Monday 1 January 2024

Happy Smew Year!

 I began 2024 in much the same way that I finished 2023 by indulging in a spot of county treachery and popping into Rutland and Leics in order to visit Eyebrook. Weather-wise it was good to start the year with some fine sunny weather  kicking things off even if things deteriorated by the early afternoon when the now altogether familiar rain moved in.

Fieldfare and Redwing

One of the first birds that I saw was a drake Smew south of the island though he had disappeared by the time I tried to get closer. I spent much of the time looking for more as I made my way up the western side of the res. Unfortunately I didn't find any more Smew but  I did see several Pintail though their numbers here have fallen drastically since my last visit. A male Kingfisher paused briefly before moving on and there were good numbers of winter thrushes around too. My stroll did not take me as far as the bridge before I decided to turn around and redouble my Smew finding efforts.

Kingfisher and Lapwings

By now plenty of year ticking birders had arrived including one lucky so and so that had a Merlin flash by. My search finally payed off when I returned to the island and refound the drake Smew, he was fairly close in and I got some reasonable views. A little later on he was joined by another drake and two redheads and all four were seen feeding actively. Family commitments meant that my time was limited and my lift arrived to take me home at noon. Later news emerged that a Green-winged Teal had been photographed here today, I'll await further news with interest, another cross county trip might be in order!


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