Monday 29 August 2022

Willows At Willowbrook

 While I was trudging around Summer Leys yesterday (the 27th) I received a text from a recovering Alan Shorrock telling me he had found Willow Emeralds at Willowbrook Industrial Estate. Although I could do nothing about it at the time I resolved to pop in and see them for myself whenever a chance presented itself. Family commitments today meant I had limited time for nature spotting and this gave me an ideal opportunity to check the site out.

Small Heath and Meadow Brown.

My walk around the place was pretty unproductive and there were no birds or mammals of note. Good numbers of Small Heaths were noted as well as a few tatty looking Common Blues. My favourite butterfly sightings today though were a couple of Meadow Browns which included a fresh looking female. My visit to the pond did not produce any Willow Emeralds though I did see plenty of evidence of breeding as many of the branches showed the tell tale scarring so typical of this species. No other damsel species were seen and the dragonflies noted were Common and Ruddy Darter and Migrant Hawker. Having checked out the pond I had to pack my gear up and head for home as time by now was beginning to run short.

Common and Ruddy Darters

My day was concluded at home when my wife Sandra alerted me to a Hummingbird Hawkmoth nectaring on the Buddleia in my garden. I could only grab one less than satisfactory pic before it zoomed off to continue its wanderings.

Hawkmoth record shot.

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