Saturday, 6 August 2022

Looking For Migrants

 A few Redstarts and other species have been passing through the county recently and I decided this morning to see if I could find any of my own. My travels took me to the area near the town's STW, several industrial estates and Priors Hall which produced a grand total of no migrants whatsoever! In fact it was one of those days which didn't quite deliver though it is days like these do help to put other days into context.

Brown Hawker and Emperor

A Grey Wagtail was the only thing of note near the STW and I struggled to find much else of interest until I got to Willowbrook Industrial Estate where a couple of Fallow Deer were noted. Common Blue butterflies were seen at the north and south gullets at Priors Hall and there were at least six Yellow-legged Gulls in the quarry. Around the ponds I found my first Migrant Hawker of the year though I couldn't get any pictures. Brown Hawkers and Emperors were patrolling the ponds where a growing number of both Common and Ruddy Darters were seen. Four-spotted Chasers and Black-tailed Skimmers are still on the wing though in reduced numbers. No emeralds of any type were seen and the best damsels were two pairs of Small Red-eyeds.

Small Heath and Painted Lady

Butterfly numbers have been dropping and the brown bonanza of July has come to an end with just a few Meadow Browns and Gatekeepers on show. Small Heaths are now beginning to emerge though they're not present in big numbers yet while a single Large Skipper was also seen. The three species of common white and several Painted Ladies and Small Tortoiseshells rounded off the list.

Ruddy and Common Darters

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