Another trip in the company of Alan Shorrock today and this time we visited Fineshade Wood. It turned out to be a popular destination for butterfly watchers with people from many spots in England joining us on our walk along the rides. We all shared one goal and that was to find the Chequered Skippers that I missed on my previous visit. With plenty of blue sky and prolonged sunny spells on offer things seemed quite promising and I felt more than a little optimistic about our prospects.
It was a slow start with just a few Common Blue damsels and a Speckled Wood or two attracting our attention. Somewhere in the distance a male Cuckoo was calling but it was the only bird of note today. As we reached the main ride more species began to show and these included Grizzled and Dingy Skippers in small numbers. Whites noted today were Green-veined and Small while singles of both Orange-tip and Brimstone were seen. New brood Small Tortoiseshells are looking superb at the moment and we saw at least half a dozen. A group of people were gathered next to a large bramble bush which is apparently favoured by the skippers. I joined the throng and was rewarded with several views of my first ever Chequered Skipper before it flew off. Frustratingly it disappeared before Shozzer could hobble up on his crutches or before I could get a pic and so we settled in a for a wait.
A file of hopeful observers passed through and these included several groups on organised walks. The Chequereds remained elusive and several hours passed in which a Green Hairstreak and a Common Lizard were the highlights. Things were beginning to look a bit dippy for Alan but a lady spotted one and alerted the would be fans. I got great views and a couple of OK pictures while Alan managed to see one well, there were at least three in the area but they disappeared almost as fast as they arrived. We didn't hang around for much longer and made our way back to the car noting a Common Blue butterfly near the car park.
Chequered Skipper. |
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