Sunday 12 June 2022

Spending The Morning With The Peregrines

 Family commitments meant that my time was rationed this morning which meant I stayed fairly local to my home. I hadn't been to Brookfield Plantation for quite a while and this seemed an ideal opportunity to reacquaint myself with the place. Initially sunshine was in short supply so on my way to the wood I stopped for a while to admire the local Peregrines.


Two birds were present in the area and one showed well if a little distantly. Although I'm reasonably certain that these are a pair there doesn't appear to be any evidence of breeding this year, perhaps the birds are still too young yet. Having satisfied myself with my views I set off for the plantation as an increasing amount of sunshine raised my chances of seeing some insects.

Broad-bodied Chaser and Hairy Dragonfly.

A female Broad-bodied Chaser was my first sighting of note, a male was seen later. Brookfield is a good spot for this species which does seem to favour woodland. Other odes noted today included plenty of Common Blue Damselflies, an Azure Damselfly and a site first Hairy Dragonfly. Few butterflies were noted today other than numerous Speckled Woods with just a Meadow Brown and a Common Blue breaking their monopoly. Not too many birds to report other than a Marsh Tit and Nuthatch.

Meadow Brown and Speckled Wood.

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