Monday 13 June 2022

Little Gull

 An after work trip to Frampton in the company of my brother David did not produce any sightings of the hoped for Long-tailed Ducks but did provide a few interesting sightings. Highlight was a second summer Little Gull, my first of the year. First seen feeding we later discovered it preening in the company of some Black-headed Gulls. Another decent bird was a Spoonbill which true to form was sleeping when we first saw it but the bird clearly woke up soon after as we saw it flying off towards the saltmarsh. Last bird to make the shortlist was a drake Red Crested Pochard which although distant showed well enough through the scopes. Leaving the many noisy Avocets and the quieter Black-tailed Godwits behind we set home for home after a couple of hours watching.

Little Gull, Spoonbill and Red Crested Pochard

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