Monday 14 February 2022

Brief Burst Of Sun

 I hadn't planned to venture out before work this morning but the blue skies and sunshine were just too inviting to ignore. With time limited I chose the usual option of the area near the STW where nothing out of the ordinary was found.

Dunnock and Great Tit

Clearly the sunshine was having an effect on those birds that were present as there was quite a lot of birdsong. Dunnocks and Great Tits in particular were vocal and there was the usual contribution to the chorus from Robins, Wrens, Song Thrushes and Blue Tits.  A piping Bullfinch was a new addition to the soundtrack and no doubt other species will start soon. An over flying Grey Wagtail was the only bird of note and was my second of the day following one in the village. Three species of mammal were seen and none were native with Rabbit, Grey Squirrel and Muntjac making up the list. Grey skies and a threat of rain rolled in and that was my cue to leave.

Red Kite

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