Monday 27 December 2021

Yesterday = Smews, Today = Snooze

 December's dreary sequence of grey and misty days continues and this lead to something of a late start as I struggled to summon up enough enthusiasm to venture out. When I did finally muster up some get up and go I headed off to Brookfield with a view to carrying on towards the Welland Valley.

Where did all the sunshine go?

Foggy conditions meant that the Peregrines would not be visible so I passed by their favourite spot with out stopping. Brookfield was very quiet for the most part and the light conditions were dreadful. Small numbers of Siskins were present but little else was on view. A walk alongside the flooded quarry on the way to Gretton added a small flock of four Redpolls and another larger flock of about forty Siskins. I hadn't ventured much further than this when the forecast rain began. Any thirst that I had for further travels evaporated at this point and I headed back home. My return walk through the plantation provided the one small highlight of the day when I appropriately enough flushed a Woodcock while paying a call of nature. Not the most interesting way to bring what has been an excellent year to an end but we have to suffer the lows to really appreciate those highs.


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