Sunday 19 December 2021

Fog Forces Change Of Plan

 A proposed visit to Eyebrook this morning in the company of Alan Shorrock had to be postponed due to the arrival of some thick fog. I carried on sans Shozzer with a local walk in the Corby and Weldon area though my efforts did not produce much to quicken the heart!

Foggy Conditions Made For Difficult Viewing.

Beginning near the STW I could hear the piping calls of a Bullfinch as I arrived while the subdued whistles of Teal came from the ponds. Visibility was very restricted here and I did not hang around for too long before moving on. Next stop was at the A43 pond where things remained pretty much the same as on my last visit. A good sized flock of Siskins and Goldfinches were feeding on fallen seeds along the path but were flushed up into surrounding trees by some unseen threat. Watching several Goldcrests feeding was as entertaining as ever though photographing these active little birds in duff light was as challenging as ever!

Siskin and Goldcrest.

By the time I'd got to Willowbrook Industrial Estate the fog had got thicker than ever making bird watching even more difficult. A few Meadow Pipits were heard though finding the Stonechats which are wintering proved to be beyond my abilities. Three Snipe gave indignant sounding squawks as they were flushed into taking a zig-zagging flight into the murk and several Skylarks were similarly disturbed. Very little else of interest was on view and I took the decision to head home, by this time the effects of the Covid booster that I'd had yesterday were beginning to make themselves felt and an early departure seemed to be the best option.

Blue Tit and Pied Wagtail.

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