Sunday, 12 December 2021

I've Had Better

 Something of a snorefest today with very little of interest to report, my walk took me from Upper Benefield to Weldon via both Deene and Deenethorpe and there were no highlights that I can recall. Some days could turn even the most ardent anti - twitcher into a tick hungry maniac and this was indeed one of those.

Buzzard and Egyptian Geese

Today's weather was mild with decent amounts of sunshine and just the occasional brief drizzly interlude. The walk from Benefield to Deene produced a selection of the commoner farmland species including Yellowhammer and Linnet while both species of winter thrush appeared in small numbers. The main lake at Deene held more ducks than of late and included a growing flock of Tufted Duck. Other species present included Wigeon, Shoveller and Shelduck while there was also a single Pochard. A look at the inflow failed to add anything much else to the list apart from a large number of Teal.

Deenethorpe diversions.

It was a case of ZZZZ from then onwards with no wildlife to report from the rest of my walk, I spent my time at Deenethorpe Airfield enjoying the comings and goings of aircraft in lieu of birds. Little else to mention though a brief visit to the A43 pond at Weldon  at least gave me the chance to take a few pics. I ended my day at the George in Weldon where a couple of pre bus pints provided the highlights of my day. Ah well, better luck next time I hope! 

Weldon selection.

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