Monday 13 December 2021

Plenty To Report

 After a morning of chores I took an afternoon visit to Oundle where I bought the 2020 Northants Bird Report from the town's book shop. While the report was every bit as good as it always is I didn't want to spend my time reading and so took a detour to Barnwell CP. With weather conditions quite a bit drabber than yesterday the park was surprisingly quiet with few visitors but sadly that quietness extended to the birdlife too!

Treecreeper, Marsh Tit and Cormorant

No sign of either Kingfishers or Otters today and little of anything else either. I contented myself with good views of the commoner species which included Treecreeper, Marsh Tit and Siskins amongst their number. A Grey Wagtail paid a brief visit but that was as good as it got and I retreated to the town where a couple of pints helped make my wait for the bus a little more bearable.

Reed Bunting and Dunnock

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