Friday 26 February 2021

Half Day Off

 My plan to go out after work on Wednesday came to naught on account of it being cloudy by the time I finished got home. Today was a different story however as I managed to get a half day off work which allowed me to go over to the area near the STW for a stroll. Unlike on Wednesday today was sunny and I was optimistic of seeing an early butterfly or two, unfortunately my search was to draw a blank and my first butterfly of the year remains to be seen.

Grey Wagtail and Seven-spotted Ladybird.

A few early insects were out and about though they were few in numbers despite it being pleasantly warm in sheltered spots. My first hoverfly, a Drone Fly briefly visited my garden and I also saw a single Seven-spotted Ladybird. Of the birds seen today a singing Chiffchaff was my first for the year, although I saw them at four different spots in December I'd seen none since. Other birds included a small party of Siskins, a few Redwings, several Teal and a Grey Wagtail. I'm off work tomorrow as well so perhaps the predicted sunny weather may yet bring out a butterfly or two.

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