Saturday, 27 February 2021

Close Encounter

 I was lucky to have a day off work today and put it to good use by taking a walk through the Welland Valley by way of Cottingham and Rockingham. A beautiful cloudless morning eventually gave way to cloudier conditions but it was a lovely day to be out and about.


Having barely left my house I was approaching the railway bridge in the village when I heard a Raven calling. Looking up I couldn't find it initially but realised that it was calling from the top of a pine tree in what looked like the grounds of the town's kingdom hall. Keen to witness my first perched Raven in the town itself I was disappointed to see two birds take flight. One seemed to settle somewhere in nearby West Glebe Park while the other landed out of sight in a nearby pine tree. As I drew closer I could still hear it calling so remained hopeful of getting a half decent view. The bird was not as it turned out in the grounds of the kingdom hall but rather in the grounds of a neighbouring property. Luckily for me the bird stayed put and I was treated to some excellent views which allowed me to take some nice photos. Leaving the Raven behind I continued my stroll through the town stopping to admire a Great Spotted Woodpecker on the way. After a brief stop at the boating lake where a drake Pochard was taking a nap I finally made it out of town but not before hearing another Raven near the town centre.

GSW and snoozing Pochard.

Reaching the valley near Cottingham I scanned the lake below the village and was rewarded with two Green Sandpipers as well as a group of Wigeons. My walk between here and Rockingham produced a selection of the commoner farmland species and also my second Chiffchaff in as many days. Although my amble was not producing any scarcer species it was good to get nice views of the commoner types in excellent light. Brookfield Plantation held several Siskins and a flock of Redwings while a peregrine was noted at its usual spot.

Linnet and Yellowhammer.

Once again I was disappointed not to see a butterfly today though I did see a couple of bumble bees buzzing around which were my first of the year.

Dunnock and Green Sandpiper record shot.

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