Sunday 13 September 2020

Willows Galore

 Another lovely day with plenty of sunshine saw me heading along to Priors Hall by way of Willowbrook Industrial Estate. This first site did not provide too much in the way of interesting wildlife other than a few Common Blue butterflies.

Common Blue and Common Darters

Priors Hall was a little on the quiet side too though I did see a reasonable selection of dragons and damsels. Commonest dragons were Ruddy and Common Darters though Migrant Hawkers were present in good numbers as well. Singles of both Southern and Brown Hawker were also noted though the latter gave only brief views. A couple of Common Blue damsels and a male Small Red-eyed  put in an appearance though they were far outnumbered by Willow Emeralds.

Southern Hawker and Ruddy Darter

I enjoyed my best ever day for this late season species with sightings from many of the ponds. At least twelve pairs were noted ovipositing including four on one small Alder. Plenty of singles were seen too with all being males, I'm guessing the females were either hunting elsewhere or paired up. Hard to believe that there were no records at all in this county before 2016.

Willow Emeralds

Small numbers of Siskins continue to pass through and also a trickle of Meadow Pipits while the quarry again held some Yellow-legged Gulls, about ten on this occasion. The only other wildlife of any sort of interest was a small herd of Fallow Deer at Willowbrook.

Small Red-eyed damselfly and Boeing Stearman Kaydet.

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