Monday 21 September 2020

Still Sunny

I was away looking at helicopters with my brother yesterday so had no time for any nature spotting. Today was a different matter however and I popped over to Barnwell CP where I enjoyed the continuing good weather. I also took a stroll around the Princess Lake near to the marina before returning to the park for another look.

Barnwell CP and a Great Lakes training aeroplane.

Not too many birds to report, I had a few sightings of a Kingfisher though I heard it more than I saw it. At least one Redpoll was also noted and several Siskins passed over. Few butterflies were on the wing today with a few whites and Speckled Woods being joined by a single male Common Blue.

Speckled Wood.

Dragons and damsels responded to the sunshine and a good number of Small Red- eyed Damselflies were active with most at Mill Lake. They remained out in the middle for the most part and I only managed one record shot. Mill Lake also held a small number of Willow Emeralds and they included at least one pair. For the first time I also found them on North Lake where at least three males were noted. A similar quantity of males were also seen at Princess Lake. I've now seen this attractive species at six sites this year. 

Female and male Willow Emeralds.

Amongst the dragons it was perhaps no surprise that Common Darters and Migrant Hawkers were the most numerous as both are late season regulars. At least one Ruddy Darter and a male Southern Hawker were also noted.

Common Darters and Migrant Hawkers.

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