Thursday 24 September 2020

Autumn Returns

 Distinctly cooler this morning when I ventured out for a relatively short stroll around the area near to the sewage treatment works. Although there were some pleasant periods of sunshine the wind was fairly cool. Nothing too exciting to report though I did enjoy some good views of common species.

Long-tailed and Blue Tits.

Highlight was a couple of Ravens passing overhead and betrayed as usual by their distinctive calls. Several Grey Wagtails also passed over and these are likely to have been resident birds rather than migrants, a Skylark and several Meadow Pipits on the other hand were almost certainly passing through. At least two Blackcaps were noted feeding on dogwood berries and a few Chiffchaffs were also still present, while both species winter in small numbers these were probably soon to depart migrants. The passerines attracted a Sparrowhawk and there was also a Buzzard.

Male and female Blackcaps.

Cooler conditions meant fewer insects and only a couple of Small Whites and a Comma represented the butterflies. Dragonflies fared even worse as only a single Migrant hawker was noted.


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