I braved an X4 trip in the wrong direction this morning as I wanted to pop into Wicksteed Park and see what dragons or damsels were about. Unfortunately the weather forecast proved to be somewhat optimistic and instead of sunny spells I had clouds with an occasional spot or two of rain. Despite the dreary conditions it turned out to be OK and I caught up with one or two interesting things.
Emperor and Common Darter. |
Not too many dragons today with Emperors being the most obvious, at least three males and a female did not seem at all phased by the grotty weather with the former patrolling their territories and the latter ovipositing. About half a dozen teneral darters were seen but I could only identify one, that did turn out to be my first county Common for this year however so I was happy enough with that.
Whole lotta love, Blue-tailed and Common Blue Damsels. |
Common Blues were living up to their name and like the Emperors did not appear to be put off by the conditions. Both Red-eyeds and Blue-tailed remained active but I only saw one Azure and no Variables at all. The only other damsels observed today was Banded Demoiselle, three or four were sheltering in nettles next to the River Ise.
Large Skipper and Meadow Brown. |
Commonest butterfly today was Meadow Brown but browns are often active in dull conditions when others are not, a single Ringlet was also noted. We really are enjoying a bit of a purple patch with Painted Ladies and two were seen today trying to draw warmth from patches of bare ground. Of the other species noted Large Skipper was the commonest with four or five seen, there were singles of Comma and Small Tortoiseshell too.
Painted Lady and Comma. |
Nothing too exciting on the bird front, a pair of Common Terns were fishing around the park and at least three pairs of Great Crested Grebes are nesting.
Great Crested Grebe. |
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