Saturday 22 June 2019

Marbled Whites

Yet another half day off work but I put the time to good use. With the weather looking promising and a notion that Marbled White butterflies might be on the wing I went over to Willowbrook Industrial Estate. This was the first place in Corby where I saw this beautiful species and it remains the best place to see them. Happily I was not to be disappointed and over 50 or 60 were eventually seen.

Marbled White and Common Blue.

Apart from the day's stars there were many Meadow Browns and Small Heaths, over the next few weeks the brown butterflies will come to dominate proceedings. New brood Small Tortoiseshells continue to look stunning but the few Common Blues seen today were very much at the other end of their cycle and looked more than a little shop worn. The other butterfly seen today was Large Skipper with perhaps half a dozen being noted on site.

Butterfly selection.

A single female Emperor dragonfly was noted hunting but other wildlife was in short supply with the only other things of interest being Bee and Pyramidal Orchids.

Orchids and Large Skipper.

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