Monday 3 June 2019

Brief Visit to Weldon.

Yesterday (3rd) I had just enough time to squeeze a quick walk around the stream and pond at Weldon in between returning from Norfolk and an anniversary dinner. There was not a huge amount of stuff on view but it still had its moments.

Banded Demoiselle and Azure Damselfly.

Mainly Banded Demoiselles and Azure Damsels among the nettles though a Red Admiral was seen but not photographed. Other butterflies seen were Orange-tip and several whites. Around the pond I had my first Weldon dragon of the year with a Four-spotted Chaser taking that honour. Lots of mating activity among the Azures and also a likely female Variable was seen too. Red-eyed Damselflies and at least one Common Blue made up the rest of the day's list.

Male Azure and female Variable and Red-eyed Damselfly.

Not much to report birdwise though some other wildlife interest was provided by several Bee Orchids found around the pond.

Bee Orchid.

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