Sunday, 23 June 2019

Skimmers, Darters and Chasers

I decided to visit Priors Hall today as Sunday's is the only day that I can sneak in when nobody is working. While sunshine was a little rationed there was more than enough to get the insects moving.

Small Heath and Meadow Brown.

At the beginning of my visit it was a little cloudy and only the brown butterflies were active, Meadow Browns and Small Heaths were the commonest though a single Marbled White and several Speckled Woods were noted too. Cinnabars seem to be having a good season and good numbers were observed.

Common Blue and Four-spotted Chaser.

Dragons and damsels had a slow start with Common Blues and Blue-tailed appearing first being joined by a Four-spotted Chaser a little later. Four-spots were the commonest dragon seen today and once the sun was out there was a lot of activity. A male Hairy Dragonfly may be my last of the season, I don't often see them this late in the season. Black-tailed Skimmers on the other hand are only just beginning their season and there were at least half a dozen on site including an ovipositing female. An Emperor was patrolling one of the ponds, their numbers should begin to build if weather permits. Many darters were emerging, at least twenty, and all the ones that I was able to check were Ruddies. These were my first for the year and I was able to get several half decent pictures.

Black-tailed Skimmer and Ruddy Darter.

Best damselfly seen today was a single Small Red-eyed which was a first for the year, sadly I couldn't get a picture but I'll pop back to Weldon this week and hopefully see them there. Banded Demoiselles are scarce but fairly regular visitors to Priors so a male was a welcome if not totally unexpected sighting. Other damsels seen today were Azure and Red-eyed with small numbers of both present.

Painted Lady and Ringlet.

This Summer looks as if it's going to be a good one for Painted Ladies and I saw four today, a single Small Tortoiseshell was also observed. Several Large Skippers were seen today and so too was a Common Blue. Ringlet numbers are on the rise and there was a decent number around the ponds.

Blue-tailed Damselfly and Large Skipper.

Away from insects I saw at least two Fallow Deer and also a Brown Hare while a good quantity of froglets were hopping around the edges of some of the ponds. The most interesting bird find was a duck Gadwall that I accidently flushed off a clutch of eggs, happily I didn't squish any of the brood so hopefully she will come back. This is the first confirmed breeding attempt that I'm aware of in the Corby area though I've suspected it in the past. Amongst the birds in the quarry there were the usual Sand Martins and at least one Little Ringed Plover while the lake had a drake Pochard and a Great Crested Grebe.


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