Thursday 23 May 2019

Still Hunting Those Weldon Variables.

Our county dragonfly recorder has managed to catch up with some Variables at Weldon this week and it was this news that persuaded me to have another try for them today after work. Sadly I met with the now familiar lack of success though I do at least feel as if I now know every single Azure Damselfly on site
Azure Damselfly and Banded Demoiselle

Apart from the numerous Azures there were greater numbers of Banded Demoiselles with perhaps as many as twenty being seen. A small number of Blue-tailed Damsels and Large Reds were sharing the nettles while the lilies on the pond now have a healthy population of Red-eyeds. Star performer here though was once again White-legged Damselfly with three sightings along the stream though these could possibly refer to one individual. No sign of any dragons yet but I'm sure they will turn up soon.

Large Red and Blue-tailed Damselflies.

I was concentrating mainly on the damselflies today but I did look up long enough to see a few Orange-tips and at least one Holly Blue. On a different note, if I'm going to wander through waist high nettles on a regular basis I'm going to have to get some thicker trousers or get used to some fairly painful stings.

MVP White-legged Damselfly.

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