Saturday 11 May 2019

No Rumpy Today

Grimsbury Reservoir on the edge of Banbury had been playing host to a Red-rumped Swallow for some time and the fact that I've yet to catch up with this species in the UK suggested that a visit might be in order. So it was that my brother and I headed off in that direction once I'd finished work. We faced a mixture of sun and showers but did not, unfortunately, catch up with our target.

Grimsbury Reservoir and Common Sandpiper.

Although the celebrity hirundine evaded us there was still a little bit to see and this included my first British Common Sandpipers of the year with a total of four being present along the concrete shores of the reservoir. A second wader in the shape of a Little Ringed Plover popped in during our stay and it shared the shoreline with a family party of newly fledged Grey Wagtails. Not much else of bird related interest though a flypast by an Antonov An 2 biplane provided some  excitement.

Cormorant and Whitethroat.

So that's two dips in two at the moment, hopefully our fortunes will improve as I'm not looking forward to making it a hattrick!.

Antonov An2

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