Phew, almost there. While I spent most of my time engrossed with the many good birds (a total of 93 species) I did try and look at other wildlife too though in truth there was not a whole lot to look at.
Spanish Festoon and Wall Brown. |
For a second year in a row numbers of butterflies in terms of both species and individuals seemed low. Clouded Yellows were the commonest but even they remained scarce. Happily I did at least see a couple of Spanish Festoons, this attractive and showy species is one of my favourites. Another highlight were a few Wall Browns which are always a treat since this species disappeared from Northants.
Clouded Yellow and Red-veined Darter. |
Dragonflies if anything fared even worse with a measly total of four identified and two as yet unidentified species being seen. Brief views of a Copper Demoiselle were welcome but the chance to see several Red-veined Darters did go down well. Iberian Blue-tailed Damselfly was a decent enough find but sadly it was a little too fast for my reactions and I didn't get a photo.
Terrapin and Dunlin |
Elsewhere I saw Pond Terrapins and a few lizards but this lack of other wildlife does at least give me the chance to show a few more bird pictures!
Bird Selection. |
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