Monday 11 February 2019

Sunny Morning Stroll

A much nicer start than yesterday with plenty of sunshine which made my walk around Wicksteed Park very pleasant indeed. Although there was nothing to match yesterday's Otter or egrets it was still a worthwhile wander.

Tufted Ducks, Teal and Gadwall.

Large numbers of Black-headed Gulls had not attracted anything more interesting among them apart from a few Commons, I wonder if more regular checking might turn up something more exotic? Plenty of Teal feeding around the reedy margins of the main lake, other dabblers here were Gadwall, a pair of Wigeon and the usual Mallards. Diving ducks had increased since my last visit, mainly Tufted Ducks but about half a dozen Pochards were there too. At least one Water Rail was calling here and there was another around the fishing lake.

Great Crested Grebe, Moorhen and Shoveller.

This lake held about ten Shovellers and more Gadwalls and Pochard while a Little Egret, my first here for a while, was preening and enjoying a spot of R and R. A good sized flock of Siskins were feeding in some streamside alders and there were a few Goldfinches with them. Not a whole lot else to report though the local kites appeared to be enjoying the sunny conditions. While walking back through Kettering I noticed my first daffodil and crocus flowers in bloom which added to the sense of the approaching Spring.

Little Egret, Siskin and Red Kite.

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