Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Bye Bye Spring?

With the weather forecast suggesting that our little taster of Spring may well be coming to an end I decided to pop out after work and enjoy it while I could. Time being rather limited I kept things local and headed over to my old patch.

A Chiffchaff was singing though the bird was likely to have been a wintering bird tempted into song by the fine conditions rather than a newly arrived migrant. Few other birds of note though at least one Grey Wagtail was heard along the stream. Amongst the other wildlife showing was a Muntjac as well as a Rabbit which appear to be getting a little harder to find than previously.

Underside of a Comma showing the little white C.

Highlight for me was the continuing butterfly activity with three Commas basking in the warm afternoon sunshine and there were several bumblebees also going about their business. While walking back through Corby village I found a Small Tortoiseshell sunning itself on the wall of the St John's Ambulance building. As I was attempting to get a picture a car stopped and what was presumably a concerned citizen asked "Why are you photographing the unit?". Once I'd explained that I was not planning an Elastoplast or eyewash heist and was in fact trying to photograph a butterfly she left evidently happy that I was an eccentric rather than a criminal mastermind. Despite the disruption I did get a couple of shots before the butterfly flew.

Small Tortoiseshell.

Seeing so many butterflies this early in the year has been a welcome surprise but my total of four species so far is somewhat overshadowed by the county's total of seven, surely there hasn't been another February like it?

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