Friday 18 January 2019

Afternoon at Barnwell

I took a half day off work today and headed over to Barnwell where I fancied a walk round in the pleasant though slightly chilly conditions. Part of my time was spent in the Kingfisher Hide where I had hoped to see otters or kingfishers. While I did catch a fleeting glimpse of a 'fisher the area turned out to be completely otter free. Although nothing too exciting was seen from here there was at least a decent selection of commoner species entertain me.

Quartet of Mandarins and well marked sinensis Cormorant.

In the channel at the back of the hide there were at least nine Mandarin Ducks which spent most of their time hiding on the bank. Luckily for me four decided to take a swim and a bath so I got to enjoy some reasonable views. Lowlands Hide was mainly Dunnock Hide as up to eight were feeding in the area, empty feeders were probably the reason that other species gave it a miss.

Reed Bunting, Chaffinch and Nuthatch.

Not much else to report, a few Siskins, some Redwings and a few overflying kites but nothing out of the ordinary. Still any time off work is time well spent especially if it doesn't involve shopping!

Confiding Robin and Dunnock.

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