Thursday 31 August 2017

I Love it When a Plan Comes Together

More updates from the county dragonfly recorder on the Willow Emerald situation at Finedon Pocket Park was enough to have me on the lift scrounge once again. Luckily for me another local naturalist was as keen to see them as I was and so once the boring business of work had been concluded we set off on our quest.
Life and county first, a Willow Emerald.

Within a couple of minutes of arriving we managed to pick one out on a bare branch belonging to one of the small willows growing out of the water. It hung around long enough for some photographs before promptly disappearing. Although we searched rather intently we could not find it or any others for that matter during the rest of our stay. A new species and in the county too so not a bad way of passing an hour or two.
Another view of the main attraction.

A sighting of a male Emerald meant a first double emerald day in Northants and other damsels included five Blue-tailed and a Common Blue. Dragons were represented by the darter duo and a trio of hawkers. Once again a female Southern teased but always flew off before any piccies could be taken. An ovipositing Migrant on the other hand was most obliging and posed nicely.
Yet another picture of Emerald.

Not much else of note though Peacock, Red Admiral, Large and Small White were seen while a Buzzard mewled overhead.
Migrant Hawker.

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