Thursday 2 November 2023

Persistence Pays Off

 Another text from Phil Rogers this morning alerted me to the fact that two Slavonian Grebes were at the birding hotspot that is Eyebrook Reservoir. A glance at the weather forecast did not give grounds for too much optimism as Storm Ciaran made its way across the country but I blagged a lift with Phil anyway. When we first arrived it was still dry but the promised rain soon arrived and had us heading for the car. We waited and then waited some more hoping for a break in the weather before a brief window of opportunity duly arrived. A scan of the far shore through the scope revealed the two grebes as they swam close to the opposite bank. The scope views were fine but my record shot as you can see was lamentable. Happy enough with our views and reluctant to suffer a drenching we headed to the Samuel Lloyd in Corby soon afterwards for a few celebratory pints.

Slavonian Grebes (You'll have to take my word for it!)

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