Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Fort William And The Highlands

 I've just returned from a short Scottish break with my wife Sandra which began on the 11th and ended today. It was not a wildlife watching trip and I did not get to spend too much time looking at nature. We enjoyed (or perhaps that should be endured!) quite a variety of Scottish weather which ranged from cold but sunny to rain and mist. Most of the wildlife that I did see was around Fort William itself and was associated with Loch Linnhe and its shore.

Shag, Rock Pipit and Kingfisher

My personal highlight was an Otter which I found one morning swimming on its back whilst it enjoyed a breakfast of crab. I didn't get any pictures of it and nor did I manage any shots of the Harbour Seals that also frequented the loch. Hooded Crows are reasonably common around the town and I saw no signs of hybrids in the area. Both Shags and Cormorants were seen fishing in the loch and so too was a single Guillemot. There were not many ducks on view with a female Goosander and four Goldeneyes being the best of a meagre selection. Only one passerine of note was seen and that was Rock Pipit with several seen around the loch shore. Overall not a huge selection to report but an enjoyable break nonetheless even if it did involve a lot of travel.

Lest we forget - the Commando monument near Spean Bridge

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