Sunday 5 November 2023

No Fireworks But Not A Damp Squib Either!

 A morning of sunny spells and gusty westerlies that provided a welcome break from yesterday's rain. I spent my time doing the rounds of Weldon, Willowbrook Industrial and Priors Hall. Interesting birds proved hard to find but there was a pleasing if small selection of odes to enjoy.

Common Darters

While I waited for my bus a Sparrowhawk caused some consternation amongst the local Starlings while in Weldon a few Siskins were noted. The A43 pond was very quiet, local fireworks often clear this pond of any birdlife. Willowbrook was similarly quiet with no birdlife of note though eight Common Darters provided some interest. I skipped the North Gullet at Priors Hall and went straight to its southerly neighbour. More Siskins and a Chiffchaff were the highlights here and I didn't linger for too long before moving on. At the ponds I added Redpoll to my day list and small numbers of winter thrushes as well. Plenty of Common Darters were active during the sunnier spells and at least five Willow Emeralds were noted too. One male Migrant Hawker was seen though I didn't get a picture as it patrolled a pond's reedy margin. I'm in Scotland next weekend and back at work this week so these could be the last odes of the year. With clouds beginning to build I took my leave and headed back to Weldon and my bus home.

Willow Emeralds.

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