Saturday 22 April 2023

Slumber Leys

 Alan Shorrock and I took a trip to Summer Leys this morning where we enjoyed a less than exciting walk around the reserve. The weather was fine with light winds and quite long periods of sunshine but there were few signs of migration on view.

Sedge Warbler, Sand Martins and Greenshank

A brief stop at Hardwater Lake produced my first Common Terns of the year, the two here were joined by many more on the reserve a little later on. Highlight at the Leys was a Greenshank which spent much of its time on Fisherman's Point on the main lake. We didn't manage to see the Marsh Harrier which apparently made several appearances at the scrape and had to settle instead for a selection of the commoner species instead. I'd hoped we might encounter a Large Red Damselfly on our walk but that sadly wasn't the case and our best insects were a trio of Speckled Woods, a Comma and five Orange-tips. Overall it was far from being my best day out of the year but I'd always rather be out than at work or somewhere even worse.


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