Sunday 19 March 2023

More Summer Arrivals

 My first stop on today's walk was the A43 pond at Weldon where a selection of common waterfowl included a double figure count of Tufted Ducks, several Siskins were also present  From there I moved on checking a local site for returning Ringed Plovers as I went. It took a couple of minutes of peering through the bins but I did find one and hear another, good news as this is currently their only breeding location in the county. Nearby at Willowbrook Industrial Estate I saw several herds of Fallow Deer but couldn't find any of the hoped for Wheatears. There was plenty of singing going on with Skylarks, at least one song flighting Meadow Pipit and several Chiffchaffs joining in. It seems as if these little warblers are now well established as I heard them at other spots too.

Ringed Plover and Fallow Deer

On the CBA playing field at Priors Hall a trio of Brown Hares were showing, I don't normally reveal locations for hares nowadays due to the unfortunate actions of coursers but this seems to be a secure enough site. A pair of Stonechats graced the North Gullet, the male was much showier than the female and gave some good views. Next door at the South Gullet half a dozen Sand Martins were there to gawp at as they fed near their colony. Mother's Day commitments brought my spotting to an early close and I had to head back towards Weldon to catch my bus home.

Brown Hare, Skylark, Sand Martin and Stonechat

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