Thursday 23 March 2023

Hunstanton Break

 My wife Sandra and I have just returned from a three night stay in Hunstanton, Norfolk. While it wasn't a birding trip I did take a couple of walks during which I managed to see a few birds. Strong south westerlies are not the best recipe for birding success in Norfolk and I didn't manage to catch up with any incoming migrants. That's not to say that nothing was on the move however and three species passing in good numbers were Red-breasted Merganser, Meadow Pipit and Wood Pigeon. The mergansers put in a best ever Norfolk performance for me with perhaps as many as fifty present between Heacham and Hunstanton.

Wader selection.

Not too many waders were seen and Oystercatcher and Turnstone were the commonest with lesser numbers of Sanderling, Curlew, Ringed Plover and Redshank making up the rest of the list. One of the Turnstones was wearing a combination of colour rings, I'll have to do a spot of research to find out where it came from. Other birding highlights included the regular Fulmars, a pair of Grey Partridges and my first Hunstanton Red Kite. Not too much in the way of other wildlife on view other than Brown Hares and a Muntjac.

Merganser record shot, Fulmars and Grey Partridge

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