Saturday 11 February 2023


 Reports of a drake Scaup at Blatherwycke Lake decided my day's birding plans for me as Alan Shorrock and I set out this morning with a view to seeing it. Grey skies with just an occasional sunny spell to break the monotony were the order of the day though they did not prevent us from enjoying distant though still decent views of our main quarry.


Aside from the Scaup there was a trio of Mandarin Ducks and an Egyptian Goose on view as well as a selection of the commoner wildfowl to see.  A stop at the church failed to produce any sightings of the hoped for Hawfinches though we did get reasonable views of a Nuthatch. A short drive to Deene Lake followed and produced sightings of at least eighteen Shelduck and five Black Swans but not much else. Last good bird of the day was a Grey Wagtail feeding along a stream in Weldon.

Little Egret and Black Swans

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