Saturday 25 February 2023

Not So Summery At The Leys

 A cold north easterly wind and the occasional shower gave things a wintery feel as Alan Shorrock and I walked around Summer Leys today. We're at that stage of Winter when things are beginning to get a little quieter though we did see one or two things to pique our interest.

Dabchick, Goosander and GWE

There wasn't a great deal to see from Rotary Hide other than a pair of obliging Dabchicks. The scrape briefly hosted a Great White Egret as well as a selection of ducks while a scan of the main lake from Paul Britten Hide revealed a drake Goosander and several hundred Golden Plovers. From the screen hide a first winter Caspian Gull showed well though distantly and a pair of Oystercatchers were noted too, a Redshank seen from here took our wader count to four. A Muntjac bounding away from us near Mary's Lake provided the only non avian interest of the visit. Final highlight of the day was a female Red Crested Pochard which showed reasonably well on the main lake.

Caspian Gull, Golden Plovers and Red Crested Pochard

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