Monday 2 January 2023

Nice Day For A B.O.P

 Today was another sunny and fairly mild one and while the birds didn't quite live up to the quality of yesterday it was still a nice morning for strolling. My route took me up through the industrial estate and on through Brookfield Plantation before I emerged near Gretton from where I headed down to the Welland Valley.

Raptor selection

Brookfield was pretty lively, a Buzzard called as I arrived while screeching Jays could be heard from deep within the wood. A Raven croaked as it flew overhead, I was to get at least two other sightings today. Two Sparrowhawks circled over the wood, they didn't appear to be displaying though this is the time of year when they begin. From one of the many ponds a small flock of Teal headed skywards, I heard more on the flooded quarry. There's not much water in the Welland Valley and my visit only produced a large flock of Lapwings and good numbers of winter thrushes. My return walk through the plantation added Nuthatch and Marsh Tit to my list while a check on my local Peregrines produced a sighting of one. Very little other wildlife showing today other than several Fallow Deer in the wood.

Meadow Pipit and winter thrushes.

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