Sunday, 1 January 2023

From Russia With Love

 2023 dawned bright and sunny which  was a welcome contrast to yesterday's grey and miserable damp squib of a day. Alan Shorrock and I turned into county twitchers as we set off for Summer Leys in search of some rare passerines..

Yellow-browed Warbler

Our priority target at the Leys was to see one of the Yellow-browed Warblers which have been seen regularly at Mary's Lake for the last few days. This is a rare species in the county which is if anything  even scarcer in winter and it's not a bird that I've encountered often before. We managed to park along the lane fairly easily and it wasn't that much of a hike to get to the birds' preferred spot. Happily we didn't have to wait too long before one put in an appearance pleasing the assembled group of clickers and year tickers quite a lot. Over the next hour or so it flitted about actively as it fed in front of the gathered admirers, I'm guessing that my own photographic efforts were far from being the best taken today!. After a while both Shozzer and I decided to move on though we left plenty of watchers still in situ.

Reed Bunting and Teal

There was not a great deal of other birds to report  today, a brace of Great White Egrets being perhaps the best. Amongst the large number of Lapwings on site were as many as thirty Golden Plovers and we also noted ten Snipe in the same area. There were no surprises in among the gathered waterfowl and we left once we were satisfied that we had seen most of the available birds on view.

Ducky diversions.

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