Monday, 23 January 2023

Ecton Chiffies Revisited

 Eagle eyed Alan Shorrock has inspected some of his and my shots of the Ecton Chiffchaffs and has noticed that all show birds with pale legs which appear to be pinkish or orangey. Given that Chiffchaffs are supposed to have dark coloured legs this poses something of a question. There's no doubt that the birds we were watching were either ordinary Chiffies or tristis type Siberian Chiffchaffs so why would the legs appear to be pale? I'm wondering if the bright sunshine was responsible or could it be that some of the paler looking birds may be as Alan suggested leucistic? I believe the light's responsible for the illusion but it's certainly an interesting observation. Here's a few more pics including some Common Chiffchaffs.

Three images of tristis types and one ordinary Chiffchaff

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