Monday 1 November 2021

Bright And Breezy

 A fine start to the day with clear blue skies and sunshine contrasting with yesterday's rainy dross though a cool breeze served to remind me that it was the first day of November. Not a whole lot to report with just the usual birds and a few late insects on show. My local walk took me around Willowbrook Industrial Estate before I headed to Weldon for a stroll around the two ponds.

Meadow Pipit and Goldfinch

I couldn't find the Stonechats today, I'm sure that they're still around it's just that they were probably sheltering lower down out of the wind. Skylarks and Meadow Pipits were a little more visible and some of the larks were clearly enjoying the conditions as they rose up skywards to fill the air with song. A large flock of Goldfinches continues to feed in the area and they were joined by some Linnets today. One Red Admiral was noted as it struggled to fly in the strong breeze.


At Weldon the A43 pond played host to a small collection of the usual wildfowl with a growing number of Gadwall being present. Nearby at the Woodland Park pond a Little Egret made a flying visit and there was also at least one Redwing around. Two Common Darters were welcome though not unexpected and I also saw a late carder bee. With the wind showing no signs of abating I brought proceedings to a halt and headed off home.

Common Darter and carder bee.

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