Monday, 4 October 2021


 Autumn is very much in control now, the leaves are turning yellow or red while the wind has taken on a distinctly chilly feel to it. My days of wandering about in a T-shirt have gone until next Spring but the cooling temperatures have not yet consigned all the creatures of Summer to the past. A local walk today produced sightings of butterflies and dragonflies as well as a few House Martins.


I began my day in the village where a Grey Wagtail flew over as I waited for my bus. A short ride later and I found myself at Willowbrook Industrial Estate where the pair of Stonechats were still present. Once again the male tended to stay rather distant while the female seemed happy to pose for a few pics. Skylark numbers have greatly increased since my last visit suggesting perhaps that birds are moving through. Also showing in reasonable numbers were Meadow Pipits while several Chiffchaffs were also noted. At least two House martins passed through as I walked about and several small charms of Goldfinches continue to feed on the thistledown. Willowbrook is a little exposed to the wind which is perhaps why I only saw one insect of note and that was a Red Admiral.

Dunnock and Grey Heron.

Weldon was my next port of call, a check of the A43 pond showed an increase in Gadwall numbers but little else. The pond at the Woodland Park was a little more productive with several odes on the wing that included a Willow Emerald. This was not the only damsel on view today however as a walk along the stream produced the hoped for sighting of a male Banded Demoiselle. Quite why this site retains its Demoiselles for so long remains a mystery but this is the third time in four years that I've had October Bandeds here. More Red Admirals were found and they were joined on today's list by a Small White seen near the steelworks.

Banded Demoiselle and Small White.

My final stop was at the area near the STW where I sneaked through a hole in the fence to take a look at the ponds. Four teals surprised by my arrival took flight, the arrival of these small ducks is a sure sign that Autumn is here. Highlight here were my first Willow Emeralds at this site and I managed to get a few record shots. Also seen was a male Southern Hawker and a Ruddy Darter and I ended my visit with the almost expected sighting of a Grey Wagtail.

Southern Hawker and Willow Emerald.

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