Monday 25 October 2021

Normal Service Has Been Resumed!

 After yesterday's excitements it was a case of back down to earth when I took a stroll along the River Nene at Oundle this morning. While conditions were good with decent amounts of sunshine interesting wildlife proved to be rather elusive and I had one of my quieter days.

River views.

A scan from the north bridge towards Cotterstock produced a distant view of a male Stonechat which turned out to be my best bird of the day, From here I set off towards Ashton enjoying some nice riverine scenery but not much else. The usual collection of Herons and Cormorants and a Kingfisher were noted and I also saw a couple of Grey Wagtails. Two large flocks of Starlings seemingly following the course of the river may have been migrants and the number of Skylarks passing over suggested that these could have been on the move too. A small number of Redpolls were noted near Ashton Mill and I also saw a quartet of Redwings near the A605.

Grey Heron and Cormorant.

On arriving back at the outskirts of the town I popped into Barnwell CP where plenty of sprogs were enjoying their half term holidays. With all the kiddy clamour filling the air it was no surprise that birds were hard to find and Siskins were the only sighting of note. Although it was still a little on the early side I did manage to find a couple of Common Darters but I didn't hang round for too long before taking a stroll back into the town centre.

Distant Stonechat and closer Common Darter.

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