Monday 8 June 2020

Come Back Summer

After a day off yesterday I decided that I couldn't face another day of rubbish telly and so headed out despite the almost solid cloud cover. My first port of call was Willowbrook Industrial where I found two Meadow Browns and what might have been some Pyramidal Orchids. Deciding that it wasn't going to get any better I moved on to Weldon.

Pyramidal Orchid? and Meadow Brown.

I had a wander around the grassy area near the A43 where I found the Dingy Skippers a little earlier in the year. Once again there were very few butterflies with just a couple of Small Heaths and a Small Tortoiseshell added to the list. There were a few more damselflies active and these included four White-legged which were quite far from the nearest stream. Other species noted included Common Blues and an Azure. The nearby A43 pond had a Little Egret which was my first here and several drake Tufted Ducks, I'm hoping that their partners could be incubating. This place has had several broods raised in previous years and it would be nice to see a few more.

White-legged Damselfly and Little Egret.

My final site was the woodland park and the stream and I included a walk around the pond too. Best of the wildlife on offer was a Hobby which I managed to get a rubbishy record shot of. A few more damselflies were added to the day list and these were Blue-tailed and Banded Demoiselle while another White-legged Damselfly was noted too. Very little else was found of interest though I did get good views of a Willow Warbler.

Willow Warbler and rubbishy Hobby pic.

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