Monday 14 October 2019

Monday Grey Gives Me The Blues

Yesterday's late evening burst of sunshine came a little too late in the day to prevent Sunday from being a washout so I was eager to get out this morning. Unfortunately grey skies and a forecast for rain limited my options so I once again headed over to Barnwell CP and it's hides hoping to stay as dry as possible.

Blue and Coal Tit.

Five Mandarins were seen on several occasions flying around the park and were probably the pick of the day's birds. A Kingfisher was glimpsed on three occasions from its namesake hide but didn't hang around for any length of time. Male and female Gadwall were also seen from here and were the first for quite a while. Not a great deal else to mention from this hide though I was treated to good views of some common passerines including Nuthatch.

More Barnwell Birds

Elsewhere around the park I heard a Cetti's Warbler and also a Chiffchaff but in general it seemed very quiet today. A small mouse or vole provided some entertainment as it scuttled back and forth from a pile of logs to grab some seeds left out for the birds. Perhaps unsurprisingly no insects were noted today, it looks as if mildew rather than frost will put paid to them in this grey and soggy Autumn.

Small Rodenty Thing.

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