Sunday 6 October 2019


A wet start to the day curbed my ambition a bit and I settled for a stroll around Brookfield Plantation here in Corby. Passing their regular spot on the way I was pleased to find what looked like a male and female Peregrine, as usual they were rather distant but were still nice to see all the same.

Male and female Peregrine.

The plantation was fairly quiet, several small groups of Fallow Deer were glimpsed but only briefly. Not too many birds of note either, Siskins were heard at least once and a Sparrowhawk caused some alarm as it passed but other than a few Marsh Tits there was little else of note.

Common and Ruddy Darter.

Some sunshine did break through during my visit and it brought a few Common Darters out to hunt. Mingling with its commoner cousins was a single male Ruddy which is quite likely to be my last of the season though of course only time will tell. Only one butterfly was identified and that was a Comma.

Brookfield Plantation.

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