Sunday, 29 September 2019

Wet, Windswept and Fairly Interesting.

Although the weather was far from great today I decided to visit Priors Hall where I wasn't expecting too much but still hoped there might at least be a something to look at. In between the sometimes heavy showers and in spots sheltered from the strong breeze I managed to find a few dragons and a couple of damsels.

Female and male Willow Emeralds.

Highlight was a couple of Willow Emeralds close to where I saw the one earlier in the Autumn. Both showed fairly well and I was also pleased to find some egg laying scars on a sallow branch overhanging one of the ponds. While this species is now becoming an established resident in the county it's always going to be worth seeking out as to my eyes at least it's one of the most attractive damsels.

Common and Ruddy Darters.

Common Darters were the most numerous species and these included at least one very fresh looking female. Decidedly less fresh was a male Ruddy Darter whose wings seemed to suggest that it had lived a bit. Reasonable numbers of Migrant Hawkers were still active and these included a couple of pairs in cop. These were joined by a single Brown Hawker which sadly did not hang around for a picture.

Migrant Hawker and cricket sp.

Best of the other wildlife was a Hobby actively hunting those dragons prepared to brave the conditions and it seemed to be enjoying quite a lot of success. Meadow Pipits were moving through and so too were southward bound Swallows.  A single Small White was the only butterfly and the only other insect of note was a cricket of some sort or another with very long antennae.

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