Friday 20 September 2019

Quick Return

Just about managed to squeeze another hour out at Weldon this afternoon where I hoped to photograph a Willow Emerald. Sadly the emeralds were seemingly not aware of my intentions and didn't show. I'm beginning to think that mornings and early afternoons could be the best times for seeing this species.

Southern Hawker.

Things were pretty much as they were a couple of days ago with Banded Demoiselles still along the stream, there's still plenty of vegetation for them to shelter in so they may be around for a bit yet. Southern and Migrant Hawkers were joined by a Brown Hawker while both Ruddy and Common Darter were noted.

Migrant Hawkers

Few birds of note though Kingfisher was present again and a Grey Wagtail passed over, there seems to be a bit of a passage movement going through at the moment.

Ruddy and Common Darter.

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