Wednesday 18 September 2019

Weldon Yet Again

I had the chance to pop down to Weldon after work though unfortunately that meant a trip on the ever erratic X4 bus service. I say unfortunately because today the dam bus was about half an hour late costing me precious time at the pond. Perhaps it's no surprise that so many opt to travel by car rather than public transport.

Southern and Migrant Hawkers.

Anyway moan over I did eventually arrive at Weldon and I began by walking along the stream. At least ten Banded Demoiselles were still active in the afternoon sunshine, hopefully they will linger into October. At least one Migrant Hawker was hunting along stream too, there were quite a few more around the pond. Other dragons seen were at least three male Southern Hawkers and males of both Common and Ruddy Darter.

Ruddy and Common Darters

My main reason for visiting was to see whether any Willow Emeralds had managed to make their way here and I finally managed to find one. Yes after three years of hopeful searching a single example was seen in a Willow next to the path that goes round the pond. It didn't hang around long enough for a picture but I'm hopeful that others will be a tad more obliging on future visits.

Banded Demoiselles

Other wildlife of note included a vole of some sort or another and a Kingfisher.

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