Monday, 29 July 2019

The Sun Returns

Yesterday was only the second day this year that was totally rained off and so I was very glad to see blue skies and sunshine when I got up this morning. As is often the case on a Monday I headed off to Barnwell where I had my usual walk around before taking a stroll along the Nene.

Brown Hawker and Four-spotted Chaser.

Brown Hawkers were the commonest species today with quite a few being flushed from vegetation as well as those hawking for insects. A few Emperors were noted and so were three or four Black-tailed Skimmers. Only one Four-spotted Chaser today but they're coming to the end of their flight season and it's natural that numbers will start to drop off. Common Darters are starting to appear in numbers and Ruddy Darters were also observed.

Common Darters and Black-tailed Skimmer.

I couldn't find any Willow Emeralds despite searching but it's still early for them, top damsel today was my first site record of White-legged Damselfly. Otherwise things were much as before, good numbers of Small Red-eyed, Red-eyed, Common Blue and Banded Demoiselle being joined by lesser numbers of Blue-tailed.

White-legged and Small Red-eyed Damselflies.

Pristine looking Painted Ladies were on the wing today and are probably the first of a locally bred generation. Numbers of Red Admirals and Peacocks were good and a couple of Commas were seen. Of the other species Gatekeepers were commonest though all three of the common whites showed well too.

Painted Lady and Holly Blue.

A little later along the Nene I found good numbers of Small Red-eyeds and these included ovipositing ones as well. A similar suite of species were seen with Common Blues more than living up to their name at Princess Fishing Lake. New butterflies for the day included a Brimstone and at least five Holly Blues. Few birds of note apart from the Mandarins at Barnwell where I also heard Kingfisher on several occasions.

Brimstone and Peacock.

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