Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Half Day Off

With the weather being so nice it didn't take long to come to a decision when work offered me the chance of a half day off. Once I'd got changed I soon found my way to Harry's Park Wood where I hoped to find some interesting butterflies. An attempt to find White-lettered Hairstreaks in an elm hedge close to the wood met with failure and afterwards I made my way into the wood proper.

Silver-washed Fritillary and White Admiral.

The heat seemed to have an affect on the butterfly numbers and I suspect that some were lying low during this hottest part of the day. At least four Silver-washed Fritillaries were seen but I managed to make it a double hairstreak dip by missing out on Purples at one of their favoured sites. The second of the purple duo, the larger Emperors also managed to evade me though two White Admirals were more obliging. A fairly standard set of butterflies otherwise though decent numbers of newly emerged Peacocks were observed.

Ruddy Darter and Black-tailed Skimmer.

A pair of Ravens were seen high over the wood and they appeared to be displaying while the best of the other wildlife were three species of dragon which included several male Emperors.

Brown Hawker and White-legged Damselfy.

After I'd finished my walk around the wood I strolled down to the pond near the Woodland Park in the village. Plenty of Small Red-eyed activity with many pairs ovipositing and others resting on waterside vegetation. Two male White-legged Damselflies were also present around the pond and another was found next to the stream. Also frequenting the streamside nettles were several Banded Demoiselles including several newly emerged ones. Other damsels recorded here were Red-eyed, Common Blue and Blue-tailed. Of the three species of dragon observed three ovipositing Brown hawkers were joined on the list by Emperor and Black-tailed Skimmer. Little else of interest was moving around in the heat though at least one new brood Holly Blue was seen.

Small Red-eyed Damselflies.

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