Monday, 20 November 2017

Summer Leys Saunter

Some people say that a change is as good as a rest and for that reason I took yet another trip on the X4 over to Earls Barton from where I had a slow stroll to Summer Leys. It had been quite a while since my last visit and on the strength of this trip it may well be a while before my next one.
View from Earls Barton Lock.

Grey skies started things off though thankfully the weather did pick up a little as the morning wore on. A selection of the commoner species were seen along Mill Lane while the first of the lakes had a very large assemblage of Mute Swans swimming around. Other than these and a small number of ducks there was little else until I got closer to Hardwater Crossing when a Cetti's Warbler gave a burst of song and a male Stonechat showed distantly.
One of many Mute Swans seen today.

The reserve itself was hardly a hive of interesting activity either although at least two each of Water Rails and Cetti's Warblers were heard. A Chiffchaff was also heard calling close to the entrance. Duck and wildfowl numbers on both the main lake and from Pioneer Hide seemed low with only a limited variety of species on view. Rather more on view from the screen but again nothing out of the ordinary though it was good to catch up with Goldeneyes, the lakes around Corby seldom host this attractive species.
Highlight of the day, a Yakolev 50.

While walking down to the feeders a Yak 50 aeroplane passed over and that was probably the most interesting thing all day though there was a reasonable number of birds taking advantage of the food hand outs.  In keeping with the general mood of the day Mary's Lake was dullsville though a small number of Siskins were present in the area.
Selection of diners at the feeders.

A Kingfisher was seen on the way back to Earls Barton but in truth the day's highlight was several pints of Thatcher's in the Old Swan while I waited for my bus.

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